Client: HP

Project: HP Go Beyond

Year: 2023

Go Beyond is the name of HP’s sustainability platform. This platform communicates HP’s efforts toward human rights, digital equity, and climate action. HP tasked us to design a logo and visual identity system for Go Beyond.

The design team explored hundreds of logo directions, concepted visual identity systems to pitch to the client, and in the end, delivered a playbook manual of rules and guidelines for the logo and visual identity system.

The client approved a visual identity system. This Go Beyond visual system has a reduced color palette of only creams, white, black, and gray. There are two types of image treatments within this visual system: Editorial Documentary Reportage Style images and Cutout images.

Arrows are a graphic device within this system. They’re used for sequencing, annotating and adding movement. The layouts behave exactly like the HP Vis ID. The only exceptions are the colors and the new HP Go Beyond mark.

Creative Director: Christen Brestrup, Bertie Scrase
Design Director: David Chathas
Design Producer: Kelly Cousins
Designers: Katie Custis, Avery Jagre, Mimi Jiao, Lauren King, James Marshall, Vivi Naranjo, Jason Scheuermann, Johnelle Smith, Nicole Wang
Design Audit: Cathy Ormerod, Stephanie Ward

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